Union Busting and Precarious Work Is not the Answer to Sustainable Development

"Global patterns such as casualisation and contracting-out are emerging, which pose a major threat to working men and women right across the globe.  As the global economic situation worsens, this threat can be expected to spread wider and deeper, and governments need to act responsibly to ensure secure, decent jobs at a time when working people, and the revitalization of the world economy, most need it," said General Secretary of the ITUC, Guy Ryder.

Even with a democratic administration in Congress and Barack Obama as president, the international labor movement will continue to face an uphill battle.  Corporations continue to take the low road when cutting costs buy replacing regular workers with temporary or contract workers. They use this tactic to bust unions in addition to resorting to violence to scare workers out of unionizing. Companies will likely use the excuse of the international recession to further erode labor rights and reduce regular, decently paid jobs with social benefits. The jobs are the key to building new  wealth and a middle class around the world. 

Here's an idea: since the free-market model has clearly failed us, why don't companies try something new. Take the high road to building sustainable economies by increasing the numbers of good, stable jobs. Workers with stable jobs are more likely to pay for their kids' education. Kids who are educated now are our only hope for sustainability in the future. Governments around the world should realize that they need to start building self-sufficient economies dependent on their own citizens, not foreign investors who will cut and run with the fluctuations of the market. Time and time again, governments weaken their labor law enforcement or legislation tp favor of corporate interests. Then these multinational corporations create unstable jobs, close their factories or destroy local economies at their whim. Busting unions by killing union leaders and creating precarious jobs will not lead to sustainable economies in the long run.



re: Union Busting and Precarious Work Is not the Answer to Susta

Thanks for the link to the ITUC report. I had no idea that so many federal and state workers were denied bargaining rights in the United States!

There's an awful lot of work to do in the next eight years...