Firestone Workers in Liberia Sign Historic Contract

Tim Newman, Campaigns Assistant, International Labor Rights Forum

Today in Liberia, the Firestone Agricultural Workers Union of Liberia (FAWUL) held a ceremony with Firestone management and Liberian Minister of Labor
Kofi Woods to sign their new collective bargaining agreement (CBA).  It has been
a long struggle for workers to achieve independent and democratically elected
union leadership and for the first time, they have a contract which was
bargained by a representative union. This is a major step forward for workers
who have been living and working in deplorable conditions for generations.

Click here to
send an e-mail
to Firestone Natural Rubber Company CEO Dan Adomitis
and Bridgestone Americas CEO Mark Emkes to let them know that you are happy to
finally see that workers have a real contract, but that you are ready to take
action in solidarity with the workers in Liberia if the company does not follow
through with their commitments!

